ARISTOILPLUS – Not all extra virgin olive oils are the same!

ARISTOILPLUS – Not all extra virgin olive oils are the same!

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Svimed is delighted to announce the launch of ARISTOILPLUS Project, a transnational synergy of five (5) organizations from four (4) countries Greece, Italy, Spain and Montenegro. The project is co-financed by ERDF and IPA funds through the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Interreg Med.

Thursday, September 23 at 11:00 there will be an online conference to launch the international project “ARISTOILPLUS. Good practices to produce a healthy extra virgin olive oil“.

To participate you must connect to this link at 10.55 am:

ARISTOILPLUS is a continuation of ARISTOIL, (also a co-financed project by the ERDF through the Interreg-Med Programme), which was implemented in the period 2016-2020 aiming the reinforcement of the Mediterranean Olive oil sector competitiveness through the development of innovative production and quality control methodologies related to olive oil health protecting properties. The new project ARISTOILPLUS is transferring some of the most important outcomes of ARISTOIL to new territories and new beneficiaries. The Guidelines for olive oil producers as well as the MED Healthy Olive oil Cluster will be the main project results which will be transferred, especially through intensive capacity building and coaching activities. These will apply to 120 individual producers and SMEs of EVOO sector. Producers’ associations, individual producers, olive growers, millers, chambers and local authorities in Greece, Italy, Spain, Montenegro and Albania will effectively act as our strategic associated partners that will help us capitalize and share know-how, drive growth, and build a sustainable future for the Med Healthy Olive oil Cluster.

In a nutshell ARISTOILPLUS Project aims to:

  • Increase consciousness of Mediterranean Olive oil actors around the benefits and methods of producing Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) rich in polyphenols
  • Increase consumers’ awareness on the healthy attributes of EVOO rich in polyphenols
  • Introduce a new product of higher value in the market, that promotes consumers’ health
  • Establish a new category of olive oil in the market with an innovative approach
  • Ensure the EVOO rich in polyphenols stakeholders’ community remains connected, up to date and supported with services in order to develop a competitive advantage for their product

The partnership is composed of both organisations previously participating in ARISTOIL project and new partners with direct contact with olive oil producers ready to be the recipients of ARISTOIL know-how. Precisely:

  • EGTC EFXINI POLI – Lead partner
  • SVIMED – Centre Euromediterranean for the Sustainable Development, Ragusa, IT
  • CCSEV – Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Shipping of Seville, Seville, ES
  • ANCO – Olive Oil Towns Association, IT

The transnational approach allows ARISTOILPLUS to cover a large and diverse territory by supporting a large and increasing number of olive oil stakeholders from different backgrounds, including producers, millers, and SMEs but also raising awareness to the EVOO consumers.

“And with a spring of a fruited olive oil, man is purified in extreme health” – Virgil, Aeneid.

For further information you may visit