Lancio del Programma MED 2014/2020 a Marsiglia

Lancio del Programma MED 2014/2020 a Marsiglia

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Il 23 Giugno prossimo Svimed sarà presente a Marsiglia per partecipare all’evento di lancio del Programma di Cooperazione Transnazionale MED 2014-2020 ed alla presentazione del primo bando per le proposte progettuali.


Il Programma MED in breve:

The MED programme is a transnational programme of European territorial cooperation. It is financed by the European Union as an instrument of its regional policy and of its new programming period. It continues the tradition of the European programmes for cooperation (previously named Interreg).

The transnational setup allows the programme to tackle territorial challenges beyond national boundaries, such as environmental risk management, international business or transport corridors. So far, 155 projects have been programmed, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) up to a rate of 85%.

With a budget of more than 250M€ (whose 193M€ of ERDF), the Programme will launch, until exhaustion of its ERDF envelope, calls for projects to build transnational partnerships aiming at meeting the priority objectives of the Programme in the Mediterranean space.

Gli Assi prioritari:
•         Axis 1: Strengthening innovation capacities
•         Axis 2 : Environmental protection and promotion of a sustainable territorial development
•         Axis 3 : Improvement of mobility and of territorial accessibility
•         Axis 4 : Promotion of a polycentric and integrated development of the Med space

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